• MON WOD Recording: Here
  • ACTON: **NEW** 7:15am class Tuesday and Thursday starting this week!
  • NEW ZOOM CLASS: 12pm Tuesday and Thursdays!


200 Double Unders
Bent Over Row (95/65)
Push Press (95/65)
200 Double Unders

Cash Out:
3x 10-15 Evil Wheels

Post Time to Comments.


WOD Guidance & Goals:
Begin today’s workout with 200 double unders (scale: 200 timers/jumping jacks, 300 singles or 50 attempts). Do either a giant set or purposefully chip away at sets of 50 to manage your grip and breath. Once you complete the double unders do 21-15-9 bent over rows and push press. Choose a weight for both movements that you can complete at least 8 reps in a row before having to break. Once you’ve completed the 21-15-9 couplet, finish with another 200 double unders. Target 12 minutes.Â