“Smells Like Teen Spirit”
EMOM 24:
Min 1: 5 Hang Snatches (135/95)
Min 2: 40 Double Unders
Min 3: 5 Hang Clean and Jerks (135/95)
Min 4: 15 Calorie Row
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Minute one, choose a weight for snatches that you can do the set of 5 in 3/2 reps. Minute two, complete double unders (attempts or singles) in :35-:45. Minute three, choose a weight for clean and jerks that you can do for 5 consecutive reps. Minute four, complete row in :50.
Post Weight/Reps/Modifications to Comments. Compare scores HERE.
65# / 95# cl / 15,12×4,15
45#, 5c bike, 7c row
45#, 7c bike, 8-10c row
75#/10 cals
60# DUA for 30 seconds (disaster) 12 C
115#. Dubs & singles
85# thru 2 or 3 rds (can’t remember exactly but I was muscling my snatches) then 75#; 8-13 cal row (12 most rounds)
95# / 20 DU/DUAs
24:14 65#, 10 SUSUDU/round. Rowing took me over 1 min.
10.03.2016 70#, SUs. Those lifts we’re from the floor and row was 10 cal.
20 DUS (prob not exactly since i tripped a few times and messed up counting)
10 cal row
Started 115# for round 1 then dropped to 95
40 dubs for 2 rounds then dropped to 30
55# SU,1st and last rd-12 Cals, 2-4 rds-10 Cals.
75#/ singles/ 10c row
Fun face off with Willy!
started at 105# x 4 rounds
round 5 was a mess, 3 Snacthes, 35ish DUs
round 6 @ 95#
45# / 20 situps (in place of dubs) / 65# / 15 cals all rounds
Phew, that was a sneaky one.
75#/40/75#/12 Cals
75#/15 DU att (whip marks and all)