“Summertime Magic”
3 Rounds:
300 Meter Run
10 Front Squats (165/115)
Rest 5 Minutes
3 Rounds
20 Thrusters (95/65)
20 Push Ups
WOD Guidance & Goal:
Fast and moderately heavy (5 consecutive) front squats. Then fast and light (20 unbroken) thrusters. Target 6-8 minutes for each couplet.
Post Times to Comments. Compare scores HERE.
4x600m, rest :60
1) Back squat: 70%x 6 reps, 80%x 6 reps, 90%x 3 reps, 95%x 2 reps.
*Rest 10 minutes, then:
2) Front squat: 65%x 5 reps, 70%x 4 reps, 80%x 4 reps, 80%x 4 reps.
6:55 / 10:24 rx
7:07 & 8:29
6:55 85# / row
9:21 rx
At 802 w/ Mulcahey’s
185 BS (5# pr)
WOD: 8 rounds at 35#
8 DB snatch
8 DB OH lunge
16 tuck-ups
11:29 Rx
7:08 85#/ 6:31 55# and 100m run
10:15 95#
9:30 115# deadlift, 20# DB bent over row
3 minutes slower than last time, same weight. Thank you winter illness!! 💀
Lungs still burning.
6:33 85#
13:39 rx
Hotel mods – 6:30 – 300M row w 50# DB FS / 10:25 – 35# DB thrusters
9:20 Rx / 10:58 Rx
20# increase from last time; 1 min 15 faster than last time.
Stronger and faster!!! Nice job.
5:32 95#\ 11:30 65#
8:09 12c bike/ 115#
10:30? 55#/ knee pushups
8:45 75#
9:5755#/ knee push ups
7:27 95# / 10:12 kpu
9:02 105#
11:21 rx
~1 min slower on each but 20#/10# heavier
7:24 rx / 10:32 rx
8:13 (155) / 9:41 rx
Those thrusters were vicious.
105# 8:24 – about 45 seconds slower then last time. FS all unbroken
11:08?? I think. round 1; #55 – round 2 1-5 @#55, triceps still blown up from Chief – took #20 off and used just the bar.
push-up sets – 5 knees, 5 toes, 5 knees, 5 toes