“Kindly Calm”
Calorie Bike
Hang Clean (115/75)
Lateral Step Overs (24/20)
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WOD Guidance & Goals:
Complete the 9 calorie bike in less than :60. Choose a weight for the hang cleans that you can cycle for 5 reps unbroken. Recover during the lateral steps ups. Target 1:30-2:00 for the 15 calorie bike and break hang cleans into 6/5/4 reps. Target 2:00-2:30 for the 21 calorie bike and break hang cleans into 8/7/6. Steady to moderate pace on the lateral step overs. Target 12 minutes. No bike, no problem! Run 8/10/12 flights of stairs.
8:16 Rx (Rogue Bike)
7:56 Calorie Row
11;16 65#
9:03, 95#
9:20 w/ box step ups on the after party
9:34 rx
9:40 @ 60# / 20″
10:18 Rx. First time on the bike since 1982. Woof.
6:49 Rx
6:59 Rx
11:35 55# stairs
9:27 115#, 18-30-42 DUs, 23″
9:03 rx
7:56 rower/75#/20″
*hit goal of all 3 sets of UB HPCs Yahoo!
7:19 rx
7:20 Rx
9:43 95#
12:52 65#
7:09 (115#)
25:04. 8/10/12 flts stairs, 9/15/21 50# hang cleans, 18” lateral step overs
8:46 (I think)
200/300/400m run
85# HC
20″ lateral step ups (vs over)
8:37 75#
9:39- 65#
5 mile walk
10:14 Rx
9:10 65#
9:32 75#
200m/300m/400m runs
Box jump overs
10:30, row, 10# DB
Kevin 10:43 55#