We couldn’t be more proud of our athletes and supporters who came out today and put it all out there for the world to see. From members who participated in their first competition to the countless personal bests… Daybreakers were a force today. You pushed yourselves outside your comfort zones, hi-fived, fist-bumped, and just did the work. Well done today, Daybreakers! #pursuebetter
5 Rounds:
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
12 Pull Ups
9 Handstand Push Ups
6 Squat Snatches (135/95)
Post Time to Comments.
3 rounds:
10 jumping lunges
150m sprint
8 jumping lunges
100m sprint
6 jumping lunges
50m sprint
4 jumping lunges
rest 3 minutes
28:51 2 ab mats + 5lb plate, 40#
Actually it was 24:51
25:01 – active recovery day
20″BJ/RR/10# plate & ab mat/95#
24:59, PUs6from floor,6 bl band, bench HSPUs (toes), 25# (tried to squat lower)
115#, each hspu set, 4 no abmat, 5 with 1 abmat
23:16 (115#)
17:13 RR/HS hold, plank scap retractions/25# without squat
28:47 80#, 1 abmat, 6 pull-ups/rd, jumps
Started at #50 but stripped the weight to #35 after round 1 because my technique was horrible.
1 mat plus #10 for hspu
20:14 85#, box jumps, pull-ups, HSpushups on dumbells w 3 ab mats(need a lot of work on hs)
19:49 – 115# Snatches, everything else Rx unbroken.
21:06 35# to work on form, 2abmats +10lb plate (thank you Michele!)
18:23; 20# ball slams; 1 ab mat and 1 10# weight; strict snatch w/ no dip
26:12 – 5 jumps/10 steps; green and purple kipping pull ups; bench HSPU; 40#
20:22 – 84# Power Snatch instead of squat & 1 abmat for HSPU
21:35 – 115#
Methodical on the Squat Snatches for Technique
19:34 — 3 kpu/9 RR each round; 1 abmat HSPU (5/4 each round); 45# sq snatch to work on form
18:10 115# snatches were ugly
12:51 65#
13:09 step ups, 75# hang power snatch