“This is America”
5 Rounds
5 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35) – per side
25′ Overhead Lunge
20 Dumbbell Step Ups (20″)
25′ Overhead Lunge
Rest 2 Minutes

WOD Guidance & Goals:
Choose a weight for the dumbbell that you can hang clean and jerk for 5 reps unbroken every round, AND lunge 25 feet with the dumbbell overhead. Do all 5 hang clean and jerks on one side, then all 5 on the other (:30-:45), keep the weight overhead after the final rep and move right into the 25 foot lunge (:30). Hold the dumbbell any way you’d like for the step ups except for on your thigh. Step ups will take around one minute. As soon as you’re finished, lunge back to the start with your dumbbell overhead. You do not have to switch arms. Target 2-3 min per interval. 

Post Intervals to Comments.


10K for time


Courtesy of Burgener Strength

1) Back squat: 70%x 4 reps, 75%x 4 reps, 80%x4 reps, 85%x4 reps
*Rest 10 minutes, then:
2) Front squat: 60%x 5 reps, , 65%x 5 reps, 70%x5x2 sets.

3) Core
3 rounds:
20x DB bent over row, 10R/10L (AHAP)
rest 60 seconds
10x evil wheels
rest 60 seconds
5x pause ring dips (3 second pause in bottom position)
rest as needed