“It’s Happening”
2 Rounds
50 Double Unders
50 Wall Balls (or DB Thrusters)
50 Double Unders
50 Dumbbell Step Ups
50 Double Unders
50 Dumbbell Sit Ups

Post Intervals to Comments.


WOD Guidance & Goals:
50 double unders or 50 jumping jacks, timers, 15 attempts or 65 single unders. 50 db thrusters or wall balls then back to double unders. Then weighted sit ups. Target 20 minutes. 


1) Clean from the blocks (At the knee): Work up to a 3 RM. Then 3 reps @ 95% 3RM, 3 reps @ 90% 3RM.

2) Clean deadlift: Work up to a 5 RM. Then 5 reps @ 95% 5 RM, 5 reps @ 90% 5 RM.

3) Bent over row: 3-5 sets x 5 reps within 90% of 5 RM on Tuesday

4) Romanian Deadlift: 3-5 sets x 5 reps within 90% of 5 RM on Tuesday