- FRI 11/8 at 5:30p Wayland + Acton – Friday Night Lights for the final Open workout! Come cheer on Daybreak athletes and bring your favorite beverage to celebrate the end of The Open!
- SAT 11/23 at 10am in Acton – Martha Theirl PT, DPT, from Q4PT, will address the shoulder mobility, stability and exercises to maintain effective function and injury prevention. Sign up at the front desk
1K Row
21 Clean (155/105)
800 Meter Run
21 Clean (155/105)
1k Row
WOD Guidance & Goals:
The row and run will take around 4 minutes each. Choose a weight for the clean that you can do for 5 consecutive reps to start each set, and then do sets of 3 or single reps. Target 16 minutes.
Post Time to Comments.
21:13 85#
20:57 #95
17:05 85#
22:17 105#
18:53 Rx
19:15, 55#, bike for run
16:35 Rx
21:06, 65#, 200m +.5 bike, last row 750m
20:44 95#
16:33 Rx
20:26 1mi bike for run
18:55 85#
19:39 135#
21:39 85# snatch
17:53 rx followed by A SNATCH PR 😱😱😱
20:04 135# / 1 mi bike
20:24 Rx
19:43 95#
16:58 (135# hang power cleans)
17:47 Rx
19:12 Rx
750 cal row (one leg)
75# hang cleans
50 25# ball slams (in place of run)
18:25 RX
21:33 rx
21:42 80#
20:13 rx
20:01 rx
19:47 #125
16:02 bike instead of run / 155#
18:55 @ 115#
19:45 115# (600m run instead of 800m)