• TUESDAY 12/17 – There will be NO 6:30PM Class due to a Coaches appreciation event.


2 Muscle Ups
4 Handstand Push Ups
8 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)

WOD Guidance & Goal: Challenge yourself on the technical gymnastics movements today. And go heavy on the kettlebell swings. If you’re working on muscle ups or handstand push ups, target 8-10 rounds. If you’re proficient at all of these movements target 15-20 rounds. 

Post Rounds to Comments. Compare scores HERE.

About Nate:
Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.


4 rounds
600m moderate, 400m easy, 200m sprint
Rest 3 min


Courtesy of Burgener Strength

1) Power clean
10 rounds – on the min
1x power clean (work up to a max for the day)

2) 10 rounds – on the :30 seconds
3x power clean (70% or a weight that is hard, but doable)

3) Deadlift: 55%x 5, 65%x 5, 75%x5.