THU WOD Recording: Here



75 Wall Balls
50 Sit Ups
25 Kettlebell Swings
50 Sit Ups
75 Wall Balls

Wall Ball: 20/14# Kettlebell: 70/53#
75 Wall Balls
50 Sit Ups
25 Kettlebell Swings
50 Sit Ups
75 Wall Balls

Wall Ball: 14/10#
Kettlebell: 53/35#

50 Wall Balls
35 Sit Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings
35 Sit Ups
50 Wall Balls

Wall Ball: 14/10#
Kettlebell: 35/26#

Cut the wall balls into thirds, resting about :10 between sets. Catch your breath on the sit ups but do them in one continuous set by throwing your arms forward. The kettlebell swings should be on the heavier side which will most likely require a break just after the half way point. Try to do the next set of sit ups only breaking once and the last set of wall balls break into 10-15 reps at a time with :10 breaks. Target 15 minutes.

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100 Squats
75 Sit Ups
50 Sit to Stands
75 Sit Ups
100 Squats


20 x 100m sprint, 100m jog