- WAYLAND: M-Thu 5:30p, Fri 4:45p
- ACTON: M-Thu 5:45p, Fri 4:45p
- ZOOM: 5:30p
- INDOOR WORKOUTS: Begin this week! Please see all protocols HERE
“Show Yourself”
Hang Squat Clean + Jerks (75/55)
Push Up
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Home WOD
Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean + Jerks (50/35)
Push Up
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WOD Guidance & Goals:
Choose a weight for the hang squat clean and jerks that you can cycle for 15 unbroken reps before having to rest. Break the set of 40 reps into 15/15/10. The set of 30 into 10/10/10 and the set of 20 into 10/10. The push ups will give your grip and pulling strength a break. To manage the push ups and not hit failure, do sets of 5-10. If you’re at home, using a dumbbell, alternate sides for the hang squat clean and jerks for a total of 40-30-20 reps. Target 12-15 minutes.
4 rounds
400 meters moderate
200 meters fast
200 meter recovery
16:06 45#
15:50 45# kpu
18:29 35# knee pushups as always. This was was tough
16:09 Rx
45# / push up from knees
1/2 reps of jerks and pp
hollow rocks instead of pushups
10X 400m pre wod
17:02 45#
18:35, 10# db, db push press with two 10# instead of push ups, 21w
14:28 Rx
20:53, 25#, mod- KPUs,40,20,10
20:18 kpu
10×400 :60 rest in between before the wod
Around 20:00 65#
35# BB
17:20 Rx
14:43 Rx
16:58 rx
16:59 -knee pushups
16:43 RX
16:20 45#
19:04 45#
18:01 #45 – 1/2 jerks and push-ups on knees
19:04 35#
23:26 55#
45#bb, knee push ups. 29:01
13:47 (75#)
16:58 Rx with Elliebear
BB movements
20—100% mental round
*Push-ups in 15 (1 set)/10s/5s– last round had 5 sets of 2, I was spent. Holding on for 2 sets of 20 thrusters to start and finish kicked my buns!
45# / kpu
Boy was I slow today
18:41- 45#
15:50 Rx
Jenna – 15:46 @45#, kpu
Alex – 21:11 Rx
21:11 55#/pu from knees
Home WOD with 35# DB, Untimed.
18:18 @ 65# / kpu
18:45 Rx
14:46 55# kpu
11:31 2 35# db