WOD: Tue 06.18.2019 “Christine”
3 Rounds
500 Meter Row
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts
21 Box Jumps (20″)
3 Rounds
500 Meter Row
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts
21 Box Jumps (20″)
Barbell, RNG + Nutrition Challenge
"Bumpy Ride"
3 Rounds of AMRAP 4
27/21 Calorie Row
21 Hang Power Cleans (115/75)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20")
Rest 4 Minutes
“Find You Again”
With a Partner
2 Rounds
100 […]
"Never Really Over"
20 Ring Rows
20 Handstand Push Ups
20 Calorie Row
60 Double Unders
Snatch Complex
Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch + Snatch (all squat)
5x3, ascending
7 x 200 Meter
Rest 1 min between sets