1000 Meter Row
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
15 Hang Power Snatches (135/95)
60 Sit Ups
15 Muscle Ups
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Back Squats
2 Reps EMOM until failure
*Ladies start at 65# or 95#
*Dudes start at 95# or 135#
Strict Pull Ups
*add weight each round
got to 1 pull-up (green band), 8# WB, 45# snatch
93m. 115# DL/20# JSq/ring rows
Good to be back. Slow, but steady.
1105 (115#)
288M 185#DL 15 ring rows
1117? Did 12 pull ups red band
10# wb
50# snatch
6 muscle ups, rx. same score as last time. not happy with today, felt like i wasnt moving at all on the snatches and situps
made it to 1 mu attempt (which really was me pulling w my left arm only so I put my face thru the right ring). Snatch 85#.
Finished 60 SUs, WB 10#, snatch 40#
5 MU (115# snatch). 1:40ish avg on the row; WB unbroken; 4/4/4/3 on the snatches but TOO SLOW; MUs all singles and I failed twice as well. had plenty of time just short on strength this morning.
Home workout today – 3 15min NTC
1110 @ 95#’s w/ MUT’s
1 MU 115#
9 MUs (1,114) – 135# clean and jerks instead of Snatches
3:40 row, WB 20/5/5, MU 3/1/1/1/1/2
1088 rx. Didn’t make it out of sit-ups. The snatches were a stretch at 135. But, pretty sure it was the first time doing 135 in a wod.
made it through 11 pull-ups (red and blue band),10# WB, 55# snatch
11 Mu attempts. Snatches 5,5,5 Rx
WB 20,10.
39 sit-ups. 85# on the snatches (5×3), which went better than expected, but I felt completely gassed on the row and WB.
10# WB, 45# on snatches (5×2), 55 SUs; WB was rough after the row, need to gain some upper body strength; after time expired finished the sit ups and did 5 pull ups (green band) and 5 bench dips just to get in a bit of upper body work
9 Muscle Up Transitions, 65# snatches, 14# wall ball
8 pull-ups (red band).
14#wb, 55# snatches.
1105 Rx
8 MU Rx
75# snatches 1 Mut
10 green band PU- need to move to red/red
45# snatch, 10 #WB
8 MU rx
Got to 31 sit-ups. 70# on the snatches. When time was up I finished the rest of the sit-ups.
7 mus rx then Barbell Club.
7 muscle-ups RX (5 rep PR)
Wall balls unbroken
3×5 on the snatches
Had 2:30 left for the muscle-ups
Whoa nice work lady!
Got thru 56 sit ups and 65# snatches. Finished the sit ups after time was called.
1105- 85# (5×3)
finished 15 mut after cap
Go to 35 SU’s RX weight
7 mu. 10 next time. Had a ring malfunction