WOD: Fri 04.17.2020 “Soggy Dollar”
"Soggy Dollar"
5 Rounds of AMRAP 3:
10 Dumbbell Snatch
8 Lateral Hops
6 Sit to Stands
Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds
"Soggy Dollar"
5 Rounds of AMRAP 3:
10 Dumbbell Snatch
8 Lateral Hops
6 Sit to Stands
Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds
"Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels"
42 Wall Balls
21 Toes to Bar
21 Hang Power Clean
21 Push Press
Rest 3 Minutes
30 Wall Balls
15 Toes to Bar
15 Hang Power Clean
15 Push Press
Rest 3 Minutes
18 Wall balls
9 Toes to Bar
9 Hang Power Clean
9 Push Press
Barbell: 95/65
DB: 35/20
"Seek Bromance"
500-400-300-200-100 Meter Run
50-40-30-20-10 Sit Up
"Who's Got Your Love"
Medball Cleans
Up Ladder
2 Dumbbell Overhead Lunges
2 Dumbbell Swings
20 Double Unders
4 Dumbbell Overhead Lunges
4 Dumbbell Swings
20 Double Unders
6/6, 8/8, 10/10, etc...