WOD: Sat 05.03.2014 Tabata
At each exercise 8 rounds of :20 of work and :10 of rest:
Pull Up
Push Up
Sit Up
Air Squat
At each exercise 8 rounds of :20 of work and :10 of rest:
Pull Up
Push Up
Sit Up
Air Squat
"Fight Music"
Overhead Squat (115/80)
Abmat Sit Up
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats
"Cotton-Headed Ninnymuggins"
Teams of 3 Complete:
1500 Meter Row - Each Athlete Rows 500 Meters
150 Kettlebell Swings
150 Box Jumps
150 Sit Ups
150 Pull Ups
150 Wall Balls
150 Burpees
150 Double Unders
Team 400m Run
Double Unders
Sit Ups